The Test and Research Institute Pirmasens now an internationally acclaimed service and research centre owes its very existence to the shoe In the 1950s after the recovery of the footwear industry from the ravages of the war the need arose for a central test and research body to test and develop footwear relevant materials A go ahead decision reached at the German College of Footwear Design and Technology in 1956 set the ball rolling Rapid growth was essential to meet the pressing needs of the footwear industry Within a short period PFI already had a variety of laboratories up and running a physical laboratory a chemical laboratory and a leather testing laboratory equipped with a modern climatic chamber Then came an engineering department which was subsequently expanded to include information technology and electrical engineering This facilitated the development of test equipment and special purpose machines Our services portfolio later came to include a certification office a microbiological laboratory and an industrial scale research plant located at Pirmasens Winzeln Energy Park The crisis that beset the footwear industry which once dominated a whole region of the country did nothing to slow the growth of PFI Despite the radical restructuring of the entire footwear and leather sector PFI was able to continuously expand thanks to its expert knowl edge and a service portfolio ideally matched to the needs of the industry During the past 60 years the Institute has collaborated closely with the German armed forces undertaken foot ball testing according to FIFA standards and carried out tests for consumer organisations It has also pursued a far reaching programme of research for the footwear and leather industry and since 2003 also in the field of biotechnology Success Story of PFI In the Beginning was the Shoe Global Reach Ongoing investment in further development and engagement in ever more complex areas of activity have contributed to the success of our Institute and enabled the foundation of foreign based subsidiaries since 2005 PFI Middle East in Turkey PFI Hongkong PFI China and PFI Far East 2007 and 2015 respectively saw the foundation of the two home based PFI subsidiaries ISC and Bioraffinerietechnik www pfi germany de 2 3

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